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Excel Bulk VCF (VCard) to CSV Converter

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Description du projet:

(Dernière mise à jour 2014-07-30 15:11)

This is an Excel based VBA file used to import bulk .VCF files that contain more than Vcaard and then convert them to a comma separated .CSV file that can be imported into Outlook. I wrote when I lost my ~5,000 contacts and our IT folks provided me with a Backupify VCF file that neither Outlook nor Gmail could import. Outlook by default only supports a single VCF card (1 contact), and Backupify had some non standard handling (particularly where "Other Email" is found so Gmail would not process the file either. This was written around VCF 3.0 standard and supports most VCF 3.0 fields, and it's written in a way such that additional VCF fields (such as those found in VCF 4.0) can be easily handled and added to the code.

To use, enable the "Developer" tab on the ribbon in Excel 2010 or 2013, go into Visual Basic, File Menu..Import and then import this BAS file. Then select "Close and Return to Excel" and in Excel, Develop Tab, click on Macros, select "OpenVCFFile" and click Run

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