Ticket #37617

Status box formatting issues

Date d'ouverture: 2017-10-31 05:17 Dernière mise à jour: 2017-11-13 01:37

5 - moyen
5 - moyen
Works For Me
Score: 0
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0.0% (0/0)


Formatting is incorrect when using status box with special characters ("\n"). For example:

strspecial str '\nInstructions:\n\n  1) Instrument must be unlocked.\n  2) Ensure instrument is off.\n  3) Connect the serial cable.\n  4) Insert SD card with desired version into the instrument.\n  5) Power on instrument.\n '

statusbox str "Instrument Display Board Upgrade"

timeout = 3
waitln 'Blah blah'		
if !result goto WAIT_FOR_BOOT

Last line is cut off, as is the last word in line "4)".

Ticket History (3/12 Histories)

2017-10-31 05:17 Updated by: None
  • New Ticket "Status box formatting issues" created
2017-10-31 15:18 Updated by: (del#1144)

This issue was not reproduced in my environment, Tera Term 4.96 on Windows 8.1.

2017-10-31 15:18 Updated by: (del#1144)
  • Résolution Update from Aucun to Works For Me
  • Composant Update from Tera Term to Tera Term Macro
2017-11-01 00:03 Updated by: jmckenna

Reply To (Anonymous)

Thank you for looking at this issue Maya. I am seeing different results, as you can see. I notice there is a slightly newer version available - I will update and try it. I also notice that your font / formatting looks different (for example, the title bar is centered instead of left justified). I am using Windows 10 with (I believe) the default settings for text size / font / style. I'd be happy to change to a different style if that would fix the issue - if you could provide the info for what you're using. Thanks. -James

2017-11-01 00:10 Updated by: jmckenna

Reply To jmckenna

Reply To (Anonymous) Thank you for looking at this issue Maya. I am seeing different results, as you can see. I notice there is a slightly newer version available - I will update and try it. I also notice that your font / formatting looks different (for example, the title bar is centered instead of left justified). I am using Windows 10 with (I believe) the default settings for text size / font / style. I'd be happy to change to a different style if that would fix the issue - if you could provide the info for what you're using. Thanks. -James

I just updated to 4.96. Sadly this did not fix the issue. Any suggestions would be welcome. Thank you.

2017-11-07 02:23 Updated by: None

OK, I found a workaround. It seems that this happens only the first time that TeraTerm opens a status box. So the workaround is to add a "dummy" status box right before you pop the first real status box. For example:

statusbox "foo" "bar"

Note that after using "closesbox", the problem seems to reoccur on the next status box. So you need to open a dummy status box again before popping up the real one.

I admit this is a hack, but it fixes the problem for me.

Note: I am using TeraTerm 4.96 with Windows 10 and current with all Microsoft updates. Problem also existed in 4.93, and though I did not test this workaround I would guess it will probably work.

2017-11-07 12:51 Updated by: (del#1144)

Hmm. I run this macro at Windows 10, and Tera Term 4.96. But this issue did not reproduce.

2017-11-13 01:37 Updated by: (del#1144)

This snapshot shows a debug message box when statusbox command.


Please let us know result of statusbox, like followings:

WW=116 WH=83 TW=457 TH=162 s.cx=416 s.cy=162

init=1 TW=457 WW=465 WH=199

And result of when use dummy statusbox and repeat statusbox.


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