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Description du projet

Azzyzt JEE Tools is a set of Eclipse plugins for creating a so-called "azzyzted" project, and for creating code from a model. Azzyzt uses Java JPA entities as a model, and from that model it creates an enterprise application, ready to be deployed in a Java EE 6 application server like GlassFish 3.1, ready to be accessed via CORBA, SOAP, and REST. Thus the generated application is a set of Web services, providing all that you need in a typical CRUD application. Generated enterprise applications have separate source folders for generated and developer-supplied content. You can add your own functionality to a well-engineered base project. Azzyzt JEE Tools is not about user interfaces. It is expected that the generated application is accessed by a RIA frontend or by a fat client.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-07-07 22:56 Retour à la liste release

Certains plus de personnalisation a été fait. Maintenant, vous pouvez non seulement réduire les fonctions qui seraient normalement générés, mais vous pouvez également ajouter des fonctionnalités qui ne seraient normalement pas être généré. Actuellement, la seule option à ajouter est un projet Apache CXF client REST. Interfaces pour l'CXF à base de proxy API sont générés. Le tutorial contient maintenant un exemple pour les tests unitaires en œuvre du serveur via REST CXF. La réponse d'erreur REST peut être personnalisé avec en-têtes de requête HTTP.
Some more customization was done. Now you can not only cut back on features that would normally be generated, but you can also add features that would normally not be generated. Currently, the only option to add is an Apache CXF REST client project. Interfaces for the CXF proxy-based API are generated. The tutorial now contains an example for in-server unit tests implemented via CXF REST. The REST error response can be customized via HTTP request headers.

Project Resources