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Description du projet

BitMagic is C++ library designed and developed to implement efficient, platform-independent bitsets. It features several types of on-the-fly adaptive compression, dynamic range of addressable space of 2^32-1 bits, efficient memory management, serialization in a platform-independent, compact format suitable for storing in files and databases, performance tuning for 32-bit and 64-bit systems, and optimization for Intel SSE2 128-bit integer SIMD.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-08-16 21:40 Retour à la liste release

Après avoir testé grave, plusieurs bugs critiques ont été découvertes et réparées. Mettre à jour vers cette version est fortement suggéré. Un changement important a été fait à la structure du code. Tous SSE2 dépendant de la plateforme du code a été migré vers un fichier en-tête en option. Ce changement est censé faciliter la création de nouveaux modules pour d'autres architectures SIMD (comme le 3DNow! Ou Altivec). Développeurs ayant une expérience dans la programmation SIMD sont les bienvenus pour participer à cette activité.
Tags: Major bugfixes
After serious testing, several critical bugs were
found and fixed. Upgrading to this version is
strongly suggested. One important change was made
to the code structure. All platform dependent SSE2
code has been migrated into an optional header
file. This change is supposed to facilitate the
creation of new modules for other SIMD
architectures (such as 3DNow! or Altivec).
Developers with experience in SIMD programming are
very welcome to participate in this activity.

Project Resources