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Description du projet

The goal of dzo is to treat application database objects the same way the application's source code is treated, with respect to development, revision control, and deployment. Dzo uses a text file that contains native create statements for all database objects and compares them against the actual database-schema. As a result, dzo creates the SQL statements needed to update the database schema (or you can let dzo execute the SQL statements directly). If your application lives in a Tomcat or Java EE application server, dzo has a servlet that controls the deployment process, inspects and executes the necessary database changes, and finally deploys the application. Dzo currently works with HSQLDB, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server (more to come).

Système requise

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-04-20 16:54 Retour à la liste release

Refactoring a été fait lors de la traversée des relations dans les fèves de jpa-annoté. Les noms des balises Maven et Ant ont été changé de "url" à "jdbcUrl», de «pilote» à «jdbcDriver" et de "fichier" à "source". La base de données d'attribut a été modifié pour dbType et n'est plus obligatoire. Une clé unique est créé quand un map ou un ensemble est utilisé dans ElementCollection jpa annoté. Les utilisateurs de référence suédois »a été supprimée, car elle a été dépassée. Dépendances ont été ajoutés à jpa-annotations et de la charge et téléchargeables jdbc-conducteurs dans maven-plugin. Le répertoire par défaut dans le fichier WAR source SQL a été changé en / META-INF. Quelques bugs mineurs ont été corrigés.
Refactoring was done when traversing relations in jpa-annotated beans. The names of maven and ant tags were changed from "url" to "jdbcUrl", from "driver" to "jdbcDriver", and from "file" to "source". The attribute database was changed to dbType and is no longer mandatory. A unique key is created when a Map or Set is used in jpa annotated ElementCollection. The Swedish users' reference was removed, as it was outdated. Dependencies were added to jpa-annotations and the supported and downloadable jdbc-drivers in maven-plugin. The default directory in the WAR file for SQL source was changed to /META-INF. Some minor bugs were fixed.

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