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Description du projet

The Seattle Firewall is an ipchains firewall that supports IP masquerading and can be used on a standalone system, on a dedicated firewall system, or on a multi-use gateway/server. It supports VPN via IPIP tunnels, IPSec, and PPTP. It is easily configurable by editing configuration files, and can be extended without modifying the base product. It also includes realtime monitoring with an audible alarm that sounds when suspect packets are detected.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
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2001-01-30 15:13 Retour à la liste release
Seawall 2.7

Support pour permettre à un client ICQ pour s'exécuter sur un système autonome et permettre l'accès à des serveurs distants masqué FTP, un nombre réduit de règles où les deux clients PPTP et le serveur sont masqués, et le déplacement de la source des fichiers / etc / digue devant toute norme règles (permet la suppression d'un règle ACCEPT standard).
Support to allow an ICQ client to run on a standalone system and allow access to remote masqueraded FTP servers, a reduced number of rules where both PPTP clients and a server are masqueraded, and moving of source of /etc/seawall files to before any standard rules (allows overriding a standard ACCEPT rule).

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