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Description du projet

XiangQi Engine is a software Chinese chess
opponent. It provides interfaces for connecting to
chess servers, GUI clients, and a simple command
line tool with or without board printing.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from Freecode.com page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-03-08 22:44 Retour à la liste release

Le nom du paquet et exécutables ont été changés pour «tsito», et l'ensemble du programme a été réécrit en C + +. Cette version est une version initiale de la nouvelle architecture des fins de tests. Développement de la version C est arrêté. Cette version est plus rapide et semble être un peu plus intelligent, mais ne comprend pas encore les conditions aux limites jeu final.
Tags: Code cleanup
The name of the package and executable have been changed to 'tsito', and the entire program has been rewritten from scratch using C++. This version is an initial release of the new architecture for testing purposes. Development on the C version has stopped. This release is faster and appears to be a little smarter, but does not yet understand end game boundary conditions.

Project Resources